SaaS Valuation
This post focuses on how SaaS metrics relate to customer onboarding, company growth, and the generation of sustainable income needed and sufficient to not only stay afloat in the turbulent sea of web marketing but thrive. Recall that SaaS is Software as a Service or just cloud technologies. Specialists of the resource Price Intelligently, which studies strategy and psychology of pricing in the Internet environment, give marketers the following advice: "Your customers don't care about your costs, so never try to build a pricing strategy around that." This quote is 100% true. Consumers in the SaaS sphere, as in other marketing niches, want to know only how your service will solve their problems, help them earn money, etc. However, this fair statement does not mean that you should not understand the structure of your expenses, in particular, such as their most important component as customer acquisition cost (CAC). Most SaaS companies und...